
Section: New Results

Extending the column generation paradigm

Building on our technical review [89] of methods for solving the Lagrangian Dual (with an analysis of the scope for hybridization) we have worked on methodologies that can be understood as an extension of the column generation approach in [22] . Working in an extended variable space allows one to develop tighter reformulations for mixed integer programs. To handle the size of the extended formulation, one can work with inner approximations defined and improved by generating dynamically variables and constraints. This so-called "column-and-row generation" procedure is revisited here in a unifying presentation that generalizes the column generation algorithm and extends to the case of working with an approximate extended formulation. A key benefit of this approach is that lifting pricing problem solutions in the space of the extended formulation permits their recombination into new subproblem solutions and results in faster convergence. The interest of the approach is evaluated numerically on machine scheduling, bin packing, generalized assignment, and multi-echelon lot-sizing problems. We compare a direct handling of the extended formulation, a standard column generation approach, and the “column-and-row generation” procedure. Within the Samba project we further showed that this stabilization offered by the recombination of solutions is complementary and adds up to stabilization techniques based on smoothing that were developed within Samba. These techniques have been applied in [26] , [29] .